MaxForLive is a flavor of the Max programing language that only works in conjunction with Ableton Live and allows users to create their own devices and to share those. More info about MaxForLive can be found on the websites of Ableton and Cycling74.
The Max4Live devices that were presented on this page are terribly outdated, and I do not find the time to update them at the moment. I might be able to do so later some day...If you are here because you are looking for a specific device I made, send me an email, perhaps i have a newer version already.
Due to recent high demand, here are some old but still working versions of a few devices:LFO 2.2 - compatible with Live 11 Note Modulator 2 Chain Selector ControlChange8.5
updated page : April 11, 2022.btw. if you like those devices, consider buying my music on Bandcamp