
Music written for the 'Atom' performance by Christopher Bauder and Robert Henke.

atom/document cover

2008 | imbalance | ICM 07

1 [_flicker]
2 [quad_planar]
3 [shift_register]
4 [_convex]
5 [metropol]
6 [first_contact]
7 [diagonal]
8 [crossing]
9 [_exit]

Produced by Robert Henke 2008

Release date: December 2008

Formats: digital, CD, double vinyl

atom/document inner left cover
atom/document inner right cover

atom/document back cover

The musical score is based on predefined patterns which are selected and articulated during the performance. Each piece uses a different set of sounds, and produces different visual structures.

A more detailed rundown of the composition and the interaction between sound, light and movement can be found on the page describing the Atom performance.

Artwork by Robert Henke and snc based on photos of the performance at Centre Pompidou, Paris by Justine Lera.

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