Hello and welcome (back) to the free track of the month.
My original plan for October was to edit a track from 2001 that never made it into a release. However, while searching for it on my backup drive I came across a track from September 2004 that catched my atention. I spent a day removing all elements I found wrong and adding some new parts. The version here is the result of this day. It is just a rough edit, as a next step I will transfer it into my current Monolake Live set and see how it fits in.
The material is mostly created with my Synclavier II, filtered, processed, edited and sequenzed in Ableton Live. I believe the original version from 2004 was the result of a collaborative effort of Torsten 'T++' Proefrock and me, so he deserves credit here too.
[ ~ 10minutes, 14MByte ]
Enjoy the music